Dear Oasians,
In Jul to Sep 2010, we have organized a Quarterly Recognition Award Programme (QRA) and successfully encouraged Oasians to participate in taking meeting roles. Finally, Tony Cheung, Grace Cheung and Jimmy Yau were the winners to get a Toastmasters Medal.
To encourage every Oasians to have a good start in Toastmasters in the year of 2011, we have revamped the game rule to relaunch the QRA programme for Oasians to join together.
See the game rule below, call Jimmy Yau, VPE to take role.
Competition Period: All meetings from Jan -Mar 2011 (including the coming speakathon but except contest meeting)
Point(s) and Function
1 point: Attend a meeting/ Bring a guest (max 3 points per meeting)/ Invite GE or Workshop Leader/ SAA
2 points: Game Master/ Joke Master/ Table Topics speaker/ Prepared speech speaker/
Table Topics evaluator/ Individual Evaluator/ Ah Counter/ Timer
Leave passages/comments at Oasis Blog (at least 150 words) (2 points max per week)
*You may choose to leave comment directly or email to Wilson/Steve for uploading
3 points: Toastmasters of the evening/ Table Topics Master/ Grammarian/
General Evaluator (non oasis meeting is acceptable)/ Workshop leader
Point Chart will be announced after meetings. Award winning ceremony will be held on Club Anniversary in April. So sign up for project, take up role and call friends to come to meeting now.
Let’s have fun, because Oasis is FUN!
Membership, Oasis Toastmasters Club
My sis is also interested in brushing up her presentation skill. I'll invite her to see our inhouse contest.